The microsite “Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC)”

The National Institute of Corrections is happy to announce the introduction of a new microsite for elected and appointed executive-level policymakers responsible for public safety and criminal justice, in partnership with the National Criminal Justice Association.

Titled “Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC),” the microsite defines and outlines steps and resources for creating a CJCC. These councils can assist jurisdictions in addressing local criminal justice reform goals, inefficiencies in the justice system, crime, and service gaps when used properly.

The microsite explains how to create or develop a CJCC and how a CJCC may improve the criminal justice system. It covers subjects like personnel, data analysis, goal setting, and council management. Resources include meeting agendas, minutes, governance documents, and practical templates.

In addition, the site also features two publications—the National Survey of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils and Perceptions of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils—that present findings from a national study of CJCC directors and members. The publications, which were created as a result of a cooperative agreement with the Justice Management Institute, shed light on the opinions that CJCC members have regarding the councils as well as the projects, structures, and personnel that can be found in CJCCs around the nation.

Please click this link ( to visit the new CJCC microsite and learn more about CJCCs.